An End-of-life doula is a professional with education and experience in death, dying and bereavement. All of us will die, but none of us have done it before. An End-of-life Doula helps one take control over an unpredictable part of life, from diagnosis to death. They are professional and proactive and help those approaching the end of life to prepare and help them navigate the health care system, and provide a clear understanding of their options.
Initially, they will discuss Advanced Care Planning. This is an opportunity for the client to make their wishes clear. By doing this, it relieves a lot of responsibility for decisions the loved ones may have to make when the client is incapable. This could be anything from: who would do daily care for the client when they are unable, spouse, daughter or PSW; what they would still like to do in the life they have left; where they want to spend their final days, home, hospice or hospital; and, what sort of funeral arrangements they want.
Another area of assistance is to help the client to leave a legacy. This could be something tangible the client leaves their loved ones that they can treasure, whether it is a piece of art, written word, a recording or something entirely unique to the client. This process provides opportunities for both meaningful connections between the client and their loved ones and for deep reflection from everyone involved.
An End-of-life Doula could also provide care giver respite. Care giver respite can provide an opportunity for a break from responsibilities. Whether it is for a few minutes to several hours. There is never a need for the client to be alone.
There is currently no certification for End-of-life Doulas in Canada but there is the Death Doula Association of Canada that promotes high quality, End of Life care. The association sets standards for the Doula profession through membership and training based on need and recommendations made by federal and provincial health authorities. Death Doula Association
of Canada can also assist in helping to find an End-of-life Doula when one is requested. Continued education, updates and resources are offered to End-of-life Doulas through the Death Doula Ontario Network. End-of-life Doulas are expected to continually educate
Ann Fiala